Mazzit | Application for the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)
End of consultation: Tuesday, 9th April 2024 cob
It is hereby being notified that an application for the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) as defined by EU Regulation no. 1151 of 2012 on Quality Schemes for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs was received by the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA). The relevant details of the dossier and further information is given below:
Applicant: ‘Mazzit Stakeholders Group’ for the following term(s) (in italics):
‘Mazzit’; (Singular = ‘Mazzita’)
for PGI status in the Class 1.2. Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
Brief description of the product to which the terms above apply:
The mazzit is a Maltese traditional sweet and savoury tasting meat product, made from swine or male bovine blood. This blood is added to a mixture of local onions, raisins, cocoa powder or liquid chocolate, and sugar, and encased in swine or bovine intestines. In addition to these staple ingredients, producers also add a small quantity of natural sweet flavourings and spices.
The mazzit is cylindrical in shape (sausage-like), weighing up to approximately 0.8 kg, brownish in colour, with a semi-translucent intestine casing.
The slices of finished mazzit (with raisins, onions, and zest) are visible with a brownish hue and when cold and cut it has a unique moist, solid yet crumbly texture. Prepared for eating, it is often sliced about 2.5cm thick and placed in flour and pan fried from both sides.
The consultation period of two months as stipulated in Regulation 7.3 of the Geographical Indications and Designations Regulations of 2004 (SL 427.52) is open until Tuesday, 9th April 2024 close of business.
If there are no comments, objections or representations forwarded to the MCCAA, transitional national protection will be placed on the term(s), until the dossier is submitted to the European Commission and assessed by the European Commission and Member States of the European Union.
Any interested stakeholder may comment, or object to the application in writing by means of a formal letter addressed to the Director General, Technical Regulations Division, MCCAA, also stating the nature of their interest, within the two-month period of consultation.
A justification, including supporting documentation, is to be provided in case of objections.
Any objections received after Tuesday, 9th April cob will not be considered.
Further information can be obtained by contacting the MCCAA via email: [email protected] or telephone no. 2395 2000.