The MCCAA launched the eighth edition of Premju Servizz bi Tbissima in Pjazza San Gorg, Valletta.
During the launch, the Minister for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights, Julia Farrugia Portelli, said that a good customer service goes beyond the provision of products or services, but focuses on a holistic shopping experience with the aim of satisfying the needs and expectations of consumers. “When a business invests in high quality customer service it invests in its own success because a business that does not take care of its customers has no future,” said Minister Farrugia Portelli. She closed her speech by thanking the MCCAA for organising this competition for another year. She said that this initiative shows how much the Authority recognises the importance of having a good and trustworthy relationship between consumers and sellers and also called on consumers to participate enthusiastically by voting and thus thank those sellers who give them a service with a smile.
MCCAA Chairperson, Ing. Helga Pizzuto said that the Servizz bi Tbissima Award recognises local businesses who do their best to provide best service to their customers. Ing. Pizzuto explained that the main purpose of this competition is to strengthen the relationship between consumers and sellers. When there is a good relationship, conflicts and complaints decrease because when a problem arises it is resolved amicably and often also without the need for the Authority to intervene. Ing. Pizzuto spoke about the role of the Office for Consumer Affairs as the entity within the MCCAA that works closely with both consumers and traders and assists in resolving disputes between these two parties. Last year this Office received over 8,400 requests for information and directly intervened in over 1,200 complaints through the conciliation process. Another remedy mechanism that is also available to consumers is that of the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution). This redress tool focuses on open communcation between the conflicting parties and its aim is to reach a compromise through the intervention of a neutral third party.
In this year’s edition there are six main categories in which consumers can vote. These are: fashion and beauty, supermarkets and mini-markets, electronic products and household goods, local online sellers, travel and transport services, and pet shops and gardening.
Consumers can vote through the competition’s webpage: This year, the competition period is open from Wednesday 19th July 2023 till Wednesday 16th August 2023. Consumers participating in this competition will be able to win one of the four prizes of €100 per week.
The Servizz bi Tbissima competition is linked to a code of conduct and therefore companies with the most votes in each category are checked by the Authority to determine whether they adhere to the listed criteria of conduct and will eventually be confirmed as winners.
The winners of these six categories will be announced during an award ceremony later this year and will each receive a trophy and a certificate. The winners will also have the possibility to use the Servizz bi Tbissima logo in their retail outlets and on their promotional material.