As part of the requirements of Article 26(1)(b) of EC Regulation No 1005/2009 on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer, Malta is required to report to the Commission the quantities of halons used for critical uses, the measures taken to reduce their emissions, an estimate of such emissions, and the current activities to identify and use adequate alternatives. Halons used in fire-fighting applications on aircraft are included in Annex Vl which lists the applications of halons which are allowed for critical uses.
For this reason, please note that relevant companies are requested to compile all relevant sections of the reporting form. The data submitted should cover the reporting year starting 1st January 2021 to 31st December 2021.
Kindly submit the required data to the MCCAA by not later than Friday 29th April 2022.
Should you need any further information please contact us on [email protected].