The Office for Competition has decided that following the abandonment of the original proposed concentration as contained in the notification and the submission of a modified agreement duly signed on 10 May 2021, whereby the parties have terminated the promise of sale agreement in so far only as it concerns the Żabbar properties and retained the agreement with respect to the Attard and Burmarrad properties and the original leased properties promise agreement save for minor modifications, the proposed acquisition by LIDL Immobiliare Ltd. of some of the buildings belonging to Said Investments Ltd. and leases belonging to Scotts Ltd. to operate Lidl supermarkets from them covered by the aforementioned agreements, is not expected to result in a substantial lessening of competition in Malta.
As a result, in view of the fact that the serious doubts referred to in the initiation of proceedings decision as referred to in regulation (6)(1)(iii) have been removed, the Office is declaring the proposed concentration lawful in terms of the provisions of the Control of Concentrations Regulations, 2002.