In Malta, the Technical Regulations Division within the MCCAA is the Product Contact Point for Construction (PCPC) as per Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No. 305/2011 (Construction Products Regulation).
One of the main roles of the PCPC is to provide information, using transparent and easily understandable terms, on the provisions within its territory aimed at fulfilling basic requirements for construction works applicable for the intended use of each construction product, as provided for in Article 6(3)(e) of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). More information about the role of the PCPC can be found in Article 10 of the CPR and in Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No. 2019/515, which lists all the tasks of PCPC given by the European Commission.
Malta’s Product Contact Point for Construction can:
Assist economic operators with any queries regarding the Construction Products Regulation and any national regulations applicable to a specific product at national level
Assist stakeholders to obtain additional information on any applicable national rules concerning products falling within scope of the Construction Products Regulation
Provide contact details of the competent authorities responsible for these national rules.
If you wish to submit a request concerning products falling within scope falling within scope of this regulation, or would like additional information, fill in our contact form at the bottom of the page, or contact us directly by sending an email to [email protected]. Any request sent to the Product Contact Point for Construction can be expected to be answered within 15 working days from submission of the request. Should any request be unfulfilled by this time, the PCPC will stay in touch to inform you with developments concerning delays.
Click here if you would like to know more about the Construction Products Regulation and contact national building authorities.