Office for Competition started a phase II investigation on the proposed concentration between Retail Marketing Limited, Co-op Trading Company Limited, Polrem Limited, S. Borg and Sons Limited, Tower Supermarkets Complex Limited, Valyou Pendergardens Operations Ltd, Belleview Supermarkets Co. Ltd. and Valyou Supermarket Limited
The Office for Competition decided to open a phase II investigation on the concentration involving the joint venture between Retail Marketing Limited (as the joint venture entity) and Co-op Trading Company Limited, Polrem Limited, S. Borg & Sons Limited, Tower Supermarkets Complex Limited, Valyou Pendergardens Operations Ltd., Belleview Supermarkets Co. Ltd. and Valyou Supermarket Limited (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Notifying Parties”). The transaction will see Retail Marketing Limited taking over all supermarket operations currently being conducted by the aforementioned current supermarket operators.
The decision to proceed to an in-depth investigation is grounded on the fact that, based on the evidence gathered so far, the Office believes that substantial lessening of competition could occur in local geographic markets which contain more than one of the grocery retail outlets involved in this concentration. The concentration may give rise to significant impediments to effective competition in the affected markets, in terms of possible horizontal unilateral and coordinate effects.
Upon the closing of the phase II investigation, the Office for Competition may:
Adopt a non-opposition decision, if it considers that the concentration, as notified, or following modifications by the notifying parties through remedies, is not likely to create significant impediments to effective competition in the relevant markets; or
Adopt a prohibition decision, if it considers that the concentration is likely to create significant impediments to effective competition in the relevant markets.