The European Consumer Centre of Malta (ECC Malta) forms part of the European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net) with offices throughout all European Union Member States. The aim of the ECC-Net is to help with questions consumers may have concerning their activities in the European market. The objective is to make consumers feel as confident shopping throughout the EU as they do in their country of residence.
ECC Malta informs, advises and assists consumers from EU countries in connection with cross border trade within the EU. An important objective of the Centre is that of providing information and advice to consumers on their rights and obligations in connection with cross-border trade. Consumers can turn to the ECC in order to file a complaint on a product purchased or a disappointing services received from a business based in another EU Member State.
The ultimate aim of the ECC is to help consumers reach an amicable solution with the trader. Alternatively, when an amicable solution is not possible, the ECC will guide the consumer, through the appropriate tools and mechanisms, to find an out of court settlement to their complaint. Thus another important objective of ECC Malta is to promote and encourage the development of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) schemes.