The SMI has a standards library where the public can view any European (EN), International (ISO/IEC) and Maltese standard. Standards are available for viewing by appointment by sending an email to the Librarian on [email protected] or contacting him on (+356) 2395 2000.
Sale of Standards
Maltese standards, international and national standards can be purchased from the Standardization Directorate. Pure ISO standards can be purchased directly online by clicking the button below. To purchase European (EN and EN ISO) standards or obtain free abstracts of the standards, please contact the Librarian on (+356) 2395 2000.
Portal for national adoptions of specific harmonized European standards for European public access
Through this portal you will find the following national adoptions of specific harmonized European standards made available for European public access (read only).
EN 71-5:2015 (Safety of toys - Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other then experimental sets)
EN 71-4:2013 (Safety of Toys - Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities)
EN 71-12:2013 (Safety of toys - Part 12: N-Nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances)
EN 12472:2005+A1:2009 (Method for the simulation of accelerated wear and corrosion for the detection of nickel release from coated items)
SM EN 71-5:2015 Sigurtà tal-ġugarelli - Parti 5: Ġugarelli ta' natura kimika (settijiet) minbarra settijiet għal esperimenti
SM EN 71-4:2020 Sigurtà tal-ġugarelli - Parti 4: Settijiet sperimentali għall-kimika u attivitajiet relatati
SM EN 71-12:2016 Sigurtà tal-ġugarelli - Parti 12: Sustanzi N-nitrosamini u N-nitrosatabbli
MSA EN 12472:2005+A1:2009 Metodu għas-simulazzjoni ta' deterjorament u korrożjoni biex wieħed jinduna bir-rilaxx ta' nikil minn oġġetti miżbugħin
Standards users are responsible to ensure that they have the latest versions of the standards.
E-Invoicing Standards
From here, you can download the following e-invoicing deliverables with the following conditions:
Users are allowed to make derivative use of this publication. Derivative applications, which are based on or use information from this publication shall include a statement that is well visible to the users clarifying that this is an implementation of the publication and stating that such reproduction is with the permission of CEN and MCCAA as copyright owners;
CEN and MCCAA bear no liability from the use of the content and implementation of such derivative application and give no warranties expressed or implied for any purpose of such implementation. In case of doubt, users shall always refer to the content of the publication provided by MCCAA which makes available the official authoritative text here;
Invoices based on the e-Invoicing deliverables; members are invited, if possible under the specific national conditions, to invite users on their website/e-shop to apply the following statement on each issued electronic invoice: “This invoice complies with SM EN 16931-1:2017 and SM TS 16931-2:2017”.
Published European Standards by Endorsement
European standards are nationally implemented by endorsement in the Government Gazette. All the listed published standards in the catalogue are available from our Standards Library – contact the Librarian on (+356) 2395 2000.
The standards listed below are national standards developed by the Maltese National standards body by different Maltese technical committees’ setup by MCCAA.