Before a standard can be published, it is an international practice that drafts are available for public comments. This will give any interested party the opportunity to influence the content of a standard. A list of titles of these draft standards and their respective enquiry deadlines are available from our Standards Library – contact the Librarian on (+356) 2395 2000.
Comments are to be sent either by email or by mail to the Head of Standardization. All comments will be taken into consideration and discussed in the appropriate SMI technical committee/s.
Draft Standards at Voting Stage
The MCCAA is required to express the national vote as to whether a standard is acceptable or not. This is the last possibility for interested parties to make their comments on a draft standard. A list of titles of draft standards at voting stage and their respective voting deadlines are available from our Standards Library – contact the Librarian on (+356) 2395 2000.
Comments are to be sent either by email or by mail to the Head of Standardization. The Authority will take into consideration all comments before expressing its national vote.
Head of Standardization
Standards and Metrology Institute
MaltaCompetition and Consumer Affairs Authority
Mizzi House,National Road, Blata l-Bajda ĦMR9010Malta
Work Programme
As per Article 3(1) of EU Regulation no. 1025/2012, the following is the work programme of National Standardisation by the MCCAA. The list gives information on draft standards that are in progress for first publication or for revision. Comments are welcome by the indicated dates so that the respective National Technical Committee would consider prior to publishing the standard.
Last Updated: 26th January 2024
To submit a proposal for a new National Standard, kindly fill in this form.
Draft Standard
Current Stage
Next Stage
References to other international standards
Download File
MSA 200:2009 – Maltese Data and Information Requirements on Information and communication Technology
Being revised at national technical committee stage
Public Enquiry
SM 1400:2013 – Motor Vehicle Repairs – Repairers management system-requirements
Being revised at national technical committee stage
Public Enquiry
SM 5100:2015 - Photovoltaic Installations - Requirements for electrical safety of single-phase systems
Being revised at national technical committee stage
Potential Withdrawal
SM 5200:2017 - Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installations - General requirements for PV systems installations
Being revised at national technical committee stage
Public Enquiry
DSM 820:2024 - Classification of Recycled Aggregates
Final Draft
National Technical Committees
The MCCAA is the National Standards Body following EC reg. 1025/2012 with the remit to draft and publish National Standards. Interested parties who would also like to follow European and International Standardisation may request the MCCAA to set up a Mirror National Technical Committee made up of technical experts who can provide feedback and Malta’s position on Standardisation works. This also holds for interested parties who would like to develop and publish homegrown National Standards.
The general public is invited to review the draft EN and National standards to submit feedback on standards that are in Public Enquiry phase. A list of the draft national standards may be found in the table under the Work Programme. A list of CEN and CENELEC standards at public enquiry stage may be found in the links below:
Interested parties wishing to submit comments on the above and in participating in development of Maltese, international or European standards are invited to write to the Head of Standardization by email or correspond by mail at the address below.
List of European Technical Committees can be found at: