The main function of the Information, Education and Research Directorate is to plan and execute ongoing educational campaigns to ensure that both consumers and traders are aware of their rights and obligations under the laws and regulations administered by the Office for Consumer Affairs. These are:
Another responsibility of this Directorate is to undertake market studies with a view to identifying and rectifying market failures.
TV And Radio Programmes
Officers within this Directorate participate on a regular basis inRadio and TV programmesto explain to the general public the legal rights and obligations of consumers. Besides disseminating information, officers also answer the queries of listeners and viewers that call during the programme.
In fact, another important role of this Directorate is that of answering consumers’ queries and provide them with the necessary information and tendering advice on what are their legal rights and obligations.
Printed Media
In 'The Sunday Times' the Directorate publishes a weekly consumer page and an article every fortnight is published on 'L-Orizzont' and on 'In-Nazzjon'.
Talks On Consumer Rights
The Directorate offers free of charge information sessions on consumer protection legislation for traders and their employees.
Upon request this Directorate also gives talks to groups of consumers in local councils and during social activities.
Information Meetings
This Directorate is also responsible to organise information meetings, seminars, and conferences where specific consumer related subjects and issues are explained and discussed with experts and the general public.