The Standardization Directorate of the Standards and Metrology Institute (SMI) is a Maltese independent body set up under the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs (MCCAA) Act (ACT No. VI of 2011) entrusted with the coordination of standardization and related activities at various corporate, national, regional and international levels. Its main functions are to make, adopt and publish standards in relation to any class, category or type of products and/or services. The Standardization Directorate of SMI is responsible to inform the public of new subjects included in its standards programme and of the preparation or amendment of a standard, unless such standard is an identical or equivalent transposition of an International or European Standard.
The aims of the Directorate are to promote the benefits of improvement in:
The quality of goods and services;
The quality of life, safety, health and the protection of the environment;
The efficient use of resources;
Regional and international trade.
This will be achieved by applying internationally accepted standardization principles including giving precedence to international agreements, consensus, balanced participation, transparency, well-defined rules for drafting and presentation of standards, and by respecting the intellectual property rights of contributors to Standards.
The MCCAA is a full member of CEN, CENELEC and ETSI as from 3rd October 2001, 1st October 2001 and 26th March 2000 respectively. The MCCAA fully participates in General Assemblies, Administrative Boards, Technical Boards and other corporate advisory bodies as necessary to meet its international, European and national requirements.